Thursday, July 26, 2007

Vacation at Last!

So--my idea of keeping an online journal has not been really that consistent. I think that my last post was about a month ago. A lot of things have happened in that month!! David has changed so much and is beginning to be more active. Yesterday he moved from the typical gaa sound to baa and maa. It sounds as if he is saying mama and bye bye. I know that he isn't really saying these things but it is so cute. He has also become more active. No, he isn't crawling but when he starts I have a feeling that my daily routine will be much busier. He can sit up perfect now--what a man!! He looks so cute when he sits up and his little belly is pooching out. I love being his mommy and I sure treasure every moment that I get to spend with him.
David and I are in Michigan for a couple of weeks of vacation. I admit that it is nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of California and smell the cool clean air (literally). Sometimes I miss it here so much. I think that what I like is the smell of the fresh air, the slower pace of life, visiting with family, and of course Lake Michigan!! I love taking walks along Lake Michigan. There is something about walking on the beach and hearing the waves crash and the birds in the distance that just makes me feel so peaceful. I get kind of sad that David has to grow up in a place that is so busy and may never get to enjoy the "finer" things in life. By finer things I mean getting to spend time in the woods on the four wheeler, hunting during the crisp fall days, fishing on a cool morning, sitting around the campfire and just having family to hang out with. I miss getting to be with my Mom and Dad and Amanda. It makes me sad that they live so far away. I know that they wish David was closer--they would have a blast with him. Anyway, Dorothy was right when she said there is no place like home. Even with that being said, I would rather be with my husband anywhere in the world than to be at the place I call home.

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